Our new Coordinator Nicola is keen to visit all the local clubs affiliated to FVDS and on Monday headed to Bannockburn to meet the coaches and players of Milton All Stars Football Club.

Milton All Stars are a club for Over 16s with a wide range of disabilities, including learning, physical, sensory and ASD/neurodiverse. Training and team games are split into sections meaning players work with other players of similar ability. This format allows coaches and players to have the best experience; both for training and in competition.

The club compete every month in the SFA – PAN disability league in the A, B & C sections. They also travel all over the country to compete in Special Olympics and football festivals.

The enthusiasm and passion from players and coaches was in abundance, and on such a lovely evening it was a joy to watch the training in action.

The coaches are keen to see more opportunities for both juniors and seniors, so our Coordinator went home with lots of ideas and potential plans formulating…watch this space!

The club recently made this fantastic little promotional video of the Milton All Stars.


If you’d like to hear more about the club, including coaching opportunities, contact the chairperson on 07708 564 800.